Research Scientist - Viticulture And Oenology
Plant Production Science
Type of Research / Topics:
- Almond kernel composition, pre-harvest factors influencing kernel composition and the relationship between kernel composition and end use.
Relevant experience:
- Thirteen years’ experience in viticultural and oenological research, laboratory management, project management, and small scale winemaking. Fruit composition studies, particularly focussed on environmental factors and management practices that impact on flavonoids during grape berry development, and subsequently through vinification and during bottle storage, and the downstream impacts on wine sensory parameters.
- Involved in the development and improvement of methods for the rapid determination of phenolic components in wine utilising UV-visible spectroscopy, and quantification of anthocyanins in grape skin and wine using HPLC.
- Five years’ experience managing a small-scale research winemaking facility to support research projects by applying standard vinification procedures to small parcels of grapes (0.5 – 130 kg) to link field and variety-related in differences in grapes to the final wine.
- 10 publications in viticulture and oenology research.