Table 3 presents production results (yield, fruit quality) for apricot ‘Golden May’ under crop load treatments (high, medium, low) for Vase and Tatura Trellis canopy systems for 6 consecutive seasons: 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21 and 2021/22, respectively at Tatura, Victoria, Australia.
Overall, low crop load reduced final fruit number, increased fruit weight, reduced yield, increased fruit sweetness (°Brix), lowered flesh firmness (kgf), advanced fruit maturity (IAD), and decreased fruit skin redness coverage (%). The converse effect on yield and fruit quality occurred in the high crop load treatments.
Characterisation of each individual fruit quality (sample size per season, n ≈ 17,000 fruit) was determined from a combination of fruit weight, maturity and sweetness. Fruit was classified as ‘premium’ grade when weight ≥ 36 g, sweetness ≥ 12 °Brix, maturity < 1.2 IAD. Typically, results showed high crop load reduced fruit weight, lowered sweetness and delayed fruit maturation and therefore failed to meet the premium grade classification (i.e. poor ‘pack-out’ performance) compared to medium and low crop load treatments irrespective of canopy system (Table 3).
Table 3 (Note: this document does not meet WCAG 2.0 accessibility guidelines)
Science paper: Crop load and canopy architecture affect yield and fruit quality of ‘Golden May’ apricot
Fruit quality is a high priority for growers to achieve high prices and improve consumer satisfaction and consumption. This study examined the effect of crop load and canopy architecture (Tatura Trellis, free-standing Vase) on apricot yield and fruit quality in a modern high-density orchard at Tatura, Australia, during four consecutive growing seasons. Crop load treatments (high, medium, low) were applied by fruit thinning to induce a range of sink strengths for the available source of assimilates. Tatura Trellis produced a larger canopy size (light interception, fPAR) compared to Vase trees, providing the capacity to support greater fruiting levels and high yields. Vase trees produced greater pruning biomass and larger trunk cross-sectional area. For a given canopy architecture, crop load did not affect flowering date, leaf drop, suckering, trunk circumference, leaf nitrogen content, or fPAR. For seasons 1, 3, and 4, low crop load resulted in larger fruit weight at the expense of yield under both planting systems. In season 2, frost damage and low bee activity at bloom dramatically affected fruitlet development and masked crop load effects on yield and fruit quality. Overall, low crop load reduced final fruit number, increased fruit weight, reduced yield, and in most circumstances, increased fruit sweetness (°Brix) and maturity (IAD), and reduced flesh firmness (kg) and fruit skin redness coverage (%). Under high crop load regimes, the converse effect on yield and fruit quality occurred. Fruit sweetness averaged 9.4-12.4 and 9.4-13.7 °Brix under Vase and Tatura Trellis, respectively. The data suggest the need to manage fruit number to tree fPAR for high fruit quality and maximum marketable yield in ‘Golden May’ apricot.
O‘Connell, M.G. (2022). Crop load and canopy architecture affect yield and fruit quality of ‘Golden May’ apricot. Acta Hortic. 1346, 287-294
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2022.1346.36